
Showing posts from December, 2019

Bit of work today! Got a load sorted. Ho Ho Ho!

Got 4WD working today - bit of an adjustment on the linkage and she now slides in :)  feels very different when driving not going to break any speed records - didn't want to drive too far on the road as not to wind the transmission up, need to find a muddy track to try it out in now!  Also fixed the fuses blowing - the solenoid was sticking and not disengaging. Shot a bit of WD40 up it and it was much more free and not blown a fuse all day.  There are some really satisfying clicks from the regulator box now! Took her out for a run with the Dad-in-law to get some spares for a strimmer from John Deere and still a massive amount of fun! 

4WD - Wont engage

Spent an hour under Tiny today lubing a few things and generally having a poke about.  She refuses to go into 4WD with a little metal click and the lever does not move any further. Underneath there is a transfer box which takes the main feed from the engine (Left shaft) and distributes it out - the right hand prop saft drives the front wheels Then at the back the bottom prop shaft goes to the wheels and the top one goes to the main pump.  The lever which is meant to engage 4wd doesnt move anything - i think i am going to have to take it to bits.  Also noticed that none of the castellated nuts have any split pins, another job for the list. Found the chassis number too!