Disaster Averted.... Don't assume anything!

I found an old sports bag full of tools in one of the cupboards - I had assumed it was leftovers from the previous owner as it was a bunch of bolster chisels and lump hammers so I emptied it and almost threw out the bag.....

I have subsequently read that this is the 'hearth kit' for use in chimney fires for bashing bricks and the like out of the way to gain access to the bottom of the fire so it can be put out. 

I am glad I didn't throw the bag out, they are quite rare by all accounts! After a bit of searching I managed to re-collate everything back into the bag. Lesson learnt, don't assume anything with the Goddess.

I also made enquiries to get some discs made so I can lock the cupboards - as we are already booked into various shows and rallies and don't fancy leaving all the kit in un-secured cupboards. 


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