First Disc Cast....

The mould came out well and after a bit of tidy up I poured my first disc, 80g of part a and 80g of part b gave 150ml(ish) volume. The Disc mould itself was a 125ml volume. 

It cast well enough and came out easily, its an exothermic reaction which did make it quite hot, so am unsure about how many discs my mould will make. 

There are quite a few bubbles in it - I think the mould was wet, this can play havoc with the curing process (Lesson learned!) I also poured too much into the mould which resulted in a lot of sanding, but over all, I am pleased with the result - will get some dye this week so I can cast it in black. It will keep out the casually curious at shows I am sure.....


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