Lockdown 'lectrics....

Today I got a few electrical niggles sorted and then got distracted into a bit of Green Goddess Powered gardening. 

The locker lights were not working and it ended up just being a few duff connections. The indicator lights for the lockers lights were also not working, needed a bit of soldering on the back, an easy fix! All the locker lights now work except one which needs a new bulb. 

An interesting unintended fix was the central flashers too - while poking around trying to fix the locker lights I found a loose connection and the front orange flashers now work! 

I also found this block in the lockers - no idea what it is, nearly chucked it out, but it is branded, need to do some research! 

I then got distracted by getting Tiny to give me a leg up to cut some trees. Very useful....


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