Upgrades before Weeting Rally.

 At the last show there were lots of little short runs and it took its toll on the battery, we have more shows this year and I wanted to make sure we dont get stuck anywhere. Weeting Rally is our next one, thats a 2 and 1/2 hour run from where we are, so needed to do a bit of maintenance. All 32 of the grease nipples have got some attention, oil levels and brakes checked and steering oil topped off *again*.

I received a donation of a solar panel that was slightly bent (That's physically bent, not stolen bent) that is meant to go atop a caravan. With the addition of a solar charge controller I can keep the battery topped off and also connect a 'load' to the solar panel, in this case my orange flashers for the roof. I also get some USB chargers :)

The manual fuel pump was also causing me some issues drawing the fuel up from the tank after standing meant lots of turning over which was killing my battery

Electric Fuel pump here we come. 

I got the solar panel installed and working then moved onto the fuel pump,

The fuel pump is only to prime the carbs before starting to save turning the engine over with no oil pressure. I put a rocker switch in the 'operation fresco' panel installed by the army in the 70's. The cabling inside is really neat and tidy, true electrical craftsmanship. Rather handily there is a spare 12v fused terminal.  

I installed a switch in the front of the panel, I lined it up with the mounting screws at the bottom but the centre screw is not centred and it makes it look wonky! 

The fuel pump got mounted not far from the fuel tank, I think the three holes in the chassis was where the 'factory fit fuel' compressor was mounted in other RL's. Came in handy to mount the pump. 

While we were underneath I got the boys to wire-brush and Vactan the springs and axles. They did a decent job too! 


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